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Kundalini Yoga Online Class







Kundalini Yoga is a pure form of White Tantra, based on an ancient science that changes the way you think and feels about yourself. Incorporating mantras, mudras, moving asanas, and breathing exercises help focus and transform your energy, raising it to a higher level.

The exercises in the Youth and Joy series are a challenge and step by step approach to how to develop a youthful body, an alert mind, and a vibrant projection. The exercises will leave you feeling energetic and healthy with a renewed enthusiasm for life. A body that is strong, flexible and radiant need not be young in years, just as a stiff, slow and fragile body need not be old in age. An aging body is a body out of tune, out of shape, and out of harmony, and most often is the result of bad or weak habits, and the inability to handle the physical and mental stresses of life.

What you will learn


The exercises presented will help in regenerating and maintaining health and youthfulness and the flow of life physically, mentally, and emotionally. Although challenging, the exercises uplift your Spirit. When the Spirit is strong, you are invincible.


The exercises in the Kundalini Youth and Joy series not only work on the physical body but also help in dealing with the pressures of modern life. Each system of the body – muscular, glandular, nervous, digestive, circulatory – is built up and stimulated, bringing a balance, and helping you experience the power and flow of yourself as a complete human being.


‘There is no virtue in letting your body go stiff. When we leave the muscles unused for a long time they start deteriorating and create pressure on the living muscle cells. This is how we state getting older and weaker. The worst of all is that our capacity to think and react; and act on our intuitive abilities also gets weaker and weaker. Slowly the whole physical system, physiology, muscles, and the rhythm of the body go out of balance. To bring balance, you need to understand your whole composite body systems and also your mind.  The exercises are based on a very old and sophisticated system. It creates results that are everlasting. You will build up your body tone and muscles, and you will become very limber and flexible. We will be working on all the main organs of the body: the glands, circulation, the nerves, muscles, and the body constitution, and you will be surprised at the changes you will see, and the feelings not experienced before.



"Sometimes we don’t value our life in our prime. And then cannot value it because we’ve become old and weak. So, play no such games with yourself.  Build a strong mind, body, and soul, and all good will come to you. No adversities can affect you. You are shielded by your own strength, which is grace from God!" –  Yogi Bhajan


Overview of practices


Each exercise set is complete in itself in its effects on the body and mind

The Kundalini Yoga Challenge and Program for Youth and Joy 

  1. Exercise set for the Sciatic Nerve

  2. Exercise set for the Liver, Colon & Stomach

  3. Exercise set for the Lymph System

  4. Exercise set for the Lungs & Bloodstream + Meditation for the Electro Magnetic Field

  5. Exercise set for the Kidneys

  6. Exercise set for Circulation I

  7. Exercise set for the Eyes I & II

  8. Exercise Set for Relaxation and Releasing Fear

  9. Exercise set for Circulation II

  10. Exercise Set for Mental Efficiency & Intuition and Clear Communication 

  11. Exercise set for Nervous System & Glandular Balance + Meditation to free yourself from blocked desires

  12. Exercise set for the Brain and the Parathyroid + Meditation for Prosperity

  13. Exercise set Mind & Body Synchronization Exercise 

  14. Exercise set for building the Nervous System 

  15. Exercise set for the State of Mind & dealing with paranoia

  16. Exercise set for Balancing the Brain

  17. Exercise set for the Nervous System

  18. Exercise set for the Frontal Brain

  19. Exercise set for Metabolic Change

  20. Exercise set for Upper Body, Neck, Shoulders & Ribcage

  21. Exercise set for the frontal Lobe of the Brain & Balancing the Head and Heart + The Sahib Parnaam Set

  22. Exercise set for Nervous System & Balancing the Blood and Strengthening the Aura

  23. Exercise set for Eyes III – Kriya for Inner and Outer Vision

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